Friday, July 29, 2011

A Counselor's Perspective...

To Everyone,
It has been really amazing to watch everyone from different countries and backgrounds become friends over this past week. Despite language barriers, everyone has found ways to form bonds over games, dances, and conversation. It makes me feel so full to see everyone being so joyful and inclusive with everyone else here, especially people who may have started off a little more shy or hesitant and have now opened up to all these new people and experiences. Between individual conversations I've had, soccer/flag football/dodgeball in the sports activity sessions, World Cafe, D.C., mealtimes, meetings, and everything else - I'm so glad to have come here to meet all of your curious and genuine spirits. But I've also learned that it's not just about meeting people, but really getting to know people. I am so happy to now know so many of you. I will leave here with so many memories of amazing people, laughs and conversations, new ideas, and so much inspiration and motivation.
My grandpa used to tell me not to say goodbye, because it sounds like you will not see the person again. So I hope to see you all later.
Thank you so much to everyone here.
Sasha Cronin
PCB Counselor 2011

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