Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Daily Afternoon Electives

After morning curriculum sessions, PCB participants get a chance to unwind and attend their chosen electives--a choice of five engaging, therapeutic, and fun activities including art, movement, music, drama, and sports.

The Art classes involve creating projects for the culmination ceremony at the end of the week, as well as drawing Postcards for Peace—individually designed cards representing personal interpretations of peace through art. The Postcards for Peace project is in collaboration with the Programming Department at Tuesday’s Children. All cards will be displayed at the WTC Tribute Center from August-October. We encourage all to visit the exhibit!

Movement classes are designed to engage participants in movement therapy with stretching activities, choreographed dances, and specific dance techniques. Those in the fixed dance elective may perform their piece for the talent show on Friday!

Participants in the Music elective are discovering the meaning of music and the way we relate music to life. Those in this elective will be putting together a group of songs that mean strength, dignity and resilience on a CD for participants to take home.

The Drama section is particularly interesting involving a role-play type approach to emotions and feelings, aiming to heal through Drama Therapy. Participants are asked to act out particular situations involving conflict and then asked to explore the best approach to resolving conflict by acting out the desired result.

Those in the Sports elective are enjoying a variety of physical activities in the afternoon sun. Participants have been playing soccer and football and gaining insight into teamwork and cooperation from each game.

Thank you to Matt for the photos!

PCB Counselor 2011
TC Staff Member 2010-Present

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